
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Countless Dreams Actual Play: Hunters Augment! Session 6 (Part 1 Undeleted)
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Recovered from the deepest, darkest, recycle bin in digital subspace via forbidden technologies here is the first half of Session 6.
Before infiltrating the Avalon Interactive office, the crew comes up with a plan of attack, visits the admiral, and fails to convince the police that they are a totally legitimate electrical repair crew.
Apologies for posting out of order. Blame Simon.
Special thanks to Josh Heath from Werewolf: the Podcast.
Countless Dreams can be found on the Storyteller's Vault. If you buy it using our link Walking Away from Arcadia gets some dross.

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Dreaming: The Reviews - The Enchanted
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Breaking away from the relentless pursuit of metaplot research Simon and Victor decide to dive into Changeling's Year of the Ally installment The Enchanted. This book focuses on the Dreaming's oft neglected and misused children, the Enchanted and the Kinnain. If you've never been certain how to use mortals in your Changeling games come listen to Simon and Victor's take on Dreaming's treatment of the Sons of Adam, Daughters of Eve, and Sprogs of the Apple who guide their fae family through the treacherous waters of Banality.
The themesong for this episode was Je voudrais être un pigeon by Monplaisir.
If you want to enrich your games with broken, fed up family members who see your characters for the dysfunctional messes they are, but keep on keeping on because this is the World of Darkness and Glamour addiction is very VERY real pick up your own copy of The Enchanted.

Monday Nov 15, 2021
Dreaming: The Reviews - War in Concordia
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
If you've been listening since the beginning of Walking Away from Arcadia you've heard the glowing mythic stories we tell about the last book in the original Changeling line, War in Concordia. You've also heard Simon and Victor thrash and struggle when they read through their favorite books with an intentionally critical eye. Listen to find out how the somewhat rushed conclusion to the "Revised" Changeling metaplot fared when they dug into the details in earnest.
The themesong for this episode was Je voudrais être un pigeon by Monplaisir.
If you want to dive into the cascading breakdown of Concordian society you can pick up War in Concordia through this convenient link and help us fund the glorious revolution coming for those Gwydion tyrants.

Monday Nov 01, 2021
Mataplot: The Dreaming - Alternate Canon
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
High King David's Back? The Parliament is functional again? Somehow David wasn't involved in the reopening? Are you are a new player who entered the world of the fae with Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary? Do you find yourself wondering how C20 changed the landscape, but you don't want to go trolling through our entire metaplot series? Don't worry, we've got you covered. Come listen and discover what Simon and Victor think of the uniquely C20 "metaplot" if it's even fair to call it that.
The themesong from this episode was LSD by Mon Plaisir.
Reading Guide for Alternate Reality: the Evanescence, David's Return, Reopening Parliament:
C20 Pgs 39,40,41
C20 Player's Guide: Whole Book
Kithbook: Boggan: Pg 21

Friday Oct 15, 2021
Dreaming: The Reviews - Kingdom of Willows
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Going back to where it all began! Kingdom of Willows depicts the fall of High King David, revealing the details behind the event that almost shattered Concordia. More than merely the establishment of the game's first real "current" canon, Kingdom of Willows is also the first book detailing a location in the Changeling: The Dreaming line. Covering a much broader area than the city books of Vampire, Kingdom of Willows tries something that arguably had never been attempted before in the World of Darkness.
Join Simon and Victor and see how they think Willows fared with it's attempted innovations.
The themesong for this episode was Je voudrais être un pigeon by Monplaisir.
If you would like to participate in the fall of David at your table Kingdom of Willows is waiting for you. Maybe you can build some intrigue still winding it's way through the halls of Parliament even after all these forgotten years.

Friday Oct 01, 2021
Dreaming: The Reviews - Fool's Luck: The Way of the Commoner
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
After a confusing display of disloyalty to our commoner brethren in our review of Book of Houses 1, and then a stunning betrayal of our new Sidhe overlords in our review of Book of Houses 2 what will Simon and Victor have to say in their review of Fool's Luck: The Way of the Commoner? Spoilers, it's complicated. 1 part history of the fae, 2 parts splat book with no specific splat, come listen and find out what this elfless "wonderland" is all about.
The themesong for this episode was Je voudrais être un pigeon by Monplaisir.
If we've inspired you to pick up Fool's Luck: Way of the Commoner and try to use it in you games, we have a convenient link to it for you that helps us out distracting the nobles from our meetings with the 2 actual pro-commoner revolutionaries in this book.

Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Metaplot: The Dreaming - David's Disappearance
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
The ages of the fae have now fallen to the mists. The Resurgence has come and gone, and a generation of changelings only remember the Accordance War through the fog of remembrance. For the first time Simon and Victor will dive into a portion of the metaplot written to directly impact the story at your table as it unfolds. Your fearless leaders can finally lay off the speculative game of "can we reshape this into something practical?", at least for the most part.
Join us as we explore the event that created living Changeling: The Dreaming metaplot and see how usable we really think it is at your table.
The themesong from this episode was LSD by Mon Plaisir.
Reading Guide for David's Disappearance, Adjourning the Parliament, The Second War for Concordia:
C20 Pgs: 39,40
Kingdom of Willows: Whole Book
Fool's Luck: Pgs: 46-48,82
War in Concordia: Whole Book

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Countless Dreams Actual Play: Hunters Augment! Session 6
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
The team has fought their way into the heart of Avalon's operation. This episode is the second half of the final play session, so we pick up with the players just as they are about to take the final plunge into their invisible enemy's development lab. They don't know what they are facing, and they will need grace and luck to wipe Hunter's Augment from the face of the chimerical net. Join us for the conclusion to our crew's daring mission to save the chimerical denizens of Seattle from the most aggressive anthropic threat since the tidal event brought the Countless crashing into the singularity.
Special thanks to Josh Heath from Werewolf: the Podcast.
Countless Dreams can be found on the Storyteller's Vault. If you buy it using our link Walking Away from Arcadia gets some dross.

Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Dreaming: The Reviews - Pour L'Amour Et Liberte: The Book of Houses 2
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
Sunday Aug 15, 2021
You were stunned when your fearless rebel leaders were revealed as turncoats in the review of Book of Houses 1. Will we lavish our sidhe oppressors with another wave of unimaginable "praise", will be confirm our position in the Dreaming as stealth turncoat loyalists, or has the Shining Host's time finally come? There's only one way to find out.
The themesong for this episode was Je voudrais être un pigeon by Monplaisir.
If you would like to experience Pour L'Amour Et Liberte: The Book of Houses 2 for yourself, use that link and the Green Court of Whackiness will thank you.

Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Countless Dreams Actual Play: Hunters Augment! Session5
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Stopping the assaults on Seattle's holographic population has taken on new urgency as our crew discovers they aren't the only target. They must find allies in their fight to stop the violent plans of Avalon International. Estie has deeper connections to the movers and shakers of Seattle's supernatural community than she's revealed, but will it be enough to broker a safe alliance with the wolves? If it isn't there is little hope of saving Seattle. Nothing motivates like desperation, and after dropping face first into a singularity, what's the worst that could happen?
Special thanks to Josh Heath from Werewolf: the Podcast.
Countless Dreams can be found on the Storyteller's Vault. If you buy it using our link Walking Away from Arcadia gets some dross.